TM-93 Radiation / RF Strength Meter
2.4 (inch) color TFT LCD
TM-93 radiation meters are very sensitive pieces of equipment. Although housed in a high -impact case, the Geiger-Mueller tube that senses radiation is fragile. lf the unit is dropped, the G-M tube may break. Exposure of the unit above 40t (100″F) may also cause the G-M tube to stop functioning. The electronic circuitry is sensitive to high humidity(over 90%RH).
- 4 digits, 2.4 (inch) color TFT LCD
- Gamma radiation dose rate and dose measurement. Alert mode indicator
- RF dose rate : histogram
- Bargraph display
- Data hold
- Sampling rate : 6 seconds per time
- Audible key tone alarm function
- Language : English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Spanish
- Range energy scales - radiations MeV - 0.1 to 1.25
- Range of registered X-rays energy MeV - 0.003 to 3.0
- Range of registered beta rays energy MeV - 0.25 to 3.5
- 2.4(inch) color TFT LCD
- 4 digits, 2.4 inches color TFT LCD
- Language :English , Traditional Chinese , Simplified Chinese , Japanese , Spanish
Radiation Monitor Specification :-
- Sample rate: 1 time /10 seconds or 1 time /40 seconds
- Radiation sensor: Geiger- mueller tube
- Resolution: 0.01µSv/h 0.01µRem/h
- Accuracy: ±15% cesium-137
- Gamma energy range: 10KeV to 1.25MeV
- X-rays energy range: 3KeV to 3.0MeV
- β-beta energy range: 25KeV to 3.5MeV
- CPM: 0~1999
- CPS: 0~212
- Dose logger interval: 1 to 999 days
Radiation Monitor Specification :-
- Sample rate: 1 time /10 seconds
- RF sensor: Single axis sensor
- Measurement range: 0.1~14.0 V/m
- Accuracy: ±2dB to 2.45GHz
- Frequency range: 50MHz to 3.5GHz
- Range:
- 0.02µW/m² to 484.6µW/m²
- 0.01µW/cm² to 45.3µW/cm²
- 36.1mV/m to 13.90V/m
- 0.01mA/m to 30.01 mA/m
- -46 dBm to 16 dBm
- Resolution:
- 0.01µW/m²,0.01µW/cm²
- 0.2 mV/m,0.02 mA/m,2dB
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