K Type Thermocouple

K Type Thermocouple

Type K Thermocouple (Nickel-Chromium / Nickel-Alumel): The type K is the most common type of thermocouple. It’s inexpensive, accurate, reliable, and has a wide temperature range. The type K is commonly found in nuclear applications because of its relative radiation hardness.


  • Temperature Range:
    Thermocouple grade wire, −454° to 2,300°F (−270 to 1,260°C)
  • Extension grade wire, −32° to 392°F (0 to 200°C)
  • Melting Point, 2550°F (1400°C)
  • Accuracy (whichever is greater):
    Standard: ± 2.2C% or ±.75%
  • Special Limits of Error: ± 1.1C or 0.4%


Technical Specifications

ITEM / TYPE TP-01 TP-02 TP-03 TP-04
Thermocouple material Chromel-alumel alloyed thermocouple(Ni-Cr vs Ni-Al) Chromel-alumel alloyed thermocouple(Ni-Cr vs Ni-Al) Chromel-alumel alloyed thermocouple(Ni-Cr vs Ni-Al) Chromel-alumel alloyed thermocouple(Ni-Cr vs Ni-Al)
Contact type Insulation type Ground type Exposed type Ground type
Accuracy classification JIS C 1602 classification 0.75 JIS C 1602 classification 0.75 JIS C 1602 classification 0.75 JIS C 1602 classification 0.75
Sheath size (mm) 3.20 x 150 100 x 150 Bead 150 x 100
Max. temperature 1292°F/ 700°C 1292°F/ 700°C 392°F/ 200°C 752°F/ 400°C
Min. temperature -58°F/- 50°C -58°F/- 50°C -58°F/- 50°C -58°F/- 50°C
Compensating lead-wire (-20~90°C) 1M approx. (-20~90°C) 1M approx. 1M approx. (-20~90°C) 1M approx.
Hand hold Max. allowable heat 150°C Size:120 x 100mm Max. allowable heat 150°C Size:120 x 100mm Max allowable heat 150°C Size:120 x 90mm Max allowable heat 150°C Size:120 x 90mm
Application Available for liquid or gel Available for front or plate Available for complex or any place hard to enter Available for pre

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